Short screenplay for the Sept 2019 Winter Is Coming contest.

ODD MAN OUT FADE IN EXT. BILL'S HOUSE - NIGHT A suburban McMansion in a quiet, sleepy street. Quiet until a dozen cars come roaring up and squeal to a stop. Horns blare the opening notes of DIXIE. If you don't know what that is, are you even a real American? At least 30 HOODED MEN climb out, it's like an annual Klan meeting. They carry baseball bats and pick ax handles. The hooded men gather on the lawn, HOOD LEADER in front. They stare at the house, radiating vigilante menace. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT BILL sits up in bed, a panic moment, he's heard the cars. He shakes his wife DAPH awake. BILL Honey, wake up. DAPH Jesus what-- Bill's up and out of bed, dressing fast. BILL Take the kids into the garage. Do it now. Daph wakes up, cottons on to what's happening, she throws covers aside and leaps up, grabs clothes, dresses herself on the move. INT. KIDS' BEDROOM - NIGHT Daph throws the door open and switches on the light. Two beds, occupied by young kids, fast asleep. DAPH GET UP! EXT. BILL'S HOUSE - NIGHT The whole neighborhood's awake now, people are looking out their windows, watching what's going down. Hood Leader looks up and sees Bill at an upstairs window. He raises his arm, points at Bill. HOOD LEADER You were warned! Hood Leader turns his head left and then right, looking at his men. It's the signal they've been waiting for, they charge the house, whooping! INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT Daph half-carries, half-drags their SON and DAUGHTER downstairs, wrapped in bedsheets, they're whining and groaning and confused. Bill follows her downstairs. At the bottom, Daph turns and looks up at Bill. A look passes between them. It might be I love you, it might be goodbye, it might be both. No time for words. Bill nods. Daph runs along the hallway to the back of the house, with their kids. Bill looks at the heavy front door, which is barred and bolted. He hears the whooping men getting closer. SLAM! -- the door shudders like it's been hit by a rhino. Bill just stands there, doesn't run. SLAM! -- and the door frame woodwork begins to split, screws loosen. Bill licks his lips, takes short panic breaths. SLAM! -- and the door just can't take it, the bolts give way, the bars bend. THE DOOR SLAMS OPEN and the hooded men pour inside, yelling! INT. VARIOUS ROOMS - NIGHT Bill is off his mark like an Olympic sprinter, he runs through the house, drawing the hooded men away from Daph and the kids. The hooded men jam each other in doorways and trip over each other and bang into furniture, but they keep coming after Bill, who goes from room to room, slamming doors shut behind him, throwing down chairs, stools, anything, to trip them up. The men crash their way through, determined to catch him. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Bill slams the door shut and with desperate strength topples the fridge onto its side so it blocks the door. BANGING and CURSING from the other side. The hooded men are stopped. But the door and fridge move a fraction -- then another fraction -- enough for someone to stick their fingers through the gap. Bill kicks the door! Someone SCREAMS and the fingers are pulled back. Bill puts his weight against the fridge. Behind Bill, the outside door opens silently and Hood Leader enters. Four hooded men stand outside, watching. Bill spins round, sees Hood Leader. He pulls a big knife from the knife block and raises it to defend himself. Hood Leader pulls off his hood, revealing his big ruddy face and white hair, an untrustworthy politician type. (We will still call him Hood Leader to avoid confusion.) Bill gapes in shock, recognizing him. HOOD LEADER Bill, Bill, give it up. It's over, can't you see that? BILL One more fuckin' step, and I swear-- HOOD LEADER Any sensible man would've learned to keep his trap shut. If not for himself then for his family. But no, not you. You just had to keep on yakkin'. Hood Leader gestures to the men outside, they enter and fan out so they can come at Bill from all sides. HOOD LEADER Now look what it's come to. Behind Bill the blocked door is slowly opening, inch by inch, as the fridge is pushed aside. Bill is fucked and he knows it, there's no way out. HOOD LEADER Why don't you put the knife down before you hurt yourself? BILL Why don't you make me? Come on, big man, show your cocksucker followers how brave you are. Fast as a snake, Hood Leader picks up a stool and throws it at Bill, who has to duck, and that's when the hooded men rush in and grab his arms and twist the knife out of his hand. Bill struggles to get free but it's no good. Hood Leader shouts to the men trying to break in past the fridge: HOOD LEADER We got him! Activity there dies down. BILL Coward son of a bitch. You pay other men to do your dirty work for you. HOOD LEADER Nobody's being paid. Don't you see? It's the Lord's work they do. Take him out! The hooded men wrangle Bill outside. EXT. BILL'S HOUSE - NIGHT They bring Bill around the side of the house, to the front. Hood Leader has put his hood back on. Bill freezes and digs his heels in when he sees the giant cross that's lying on his lawn. Some of the hooded men have shovels, they've dug a hole for the cross to slide into, so it can be pulled upright. People have come out of their houses into the street and are watching. A silent, fearful crowd. HOOD LEADER Do it. Bill is dragged to the cross, forced to lie down on it. Lengths of rope have been nailed to the cross arms and body, and these are tied around Bill's wrists, torso and ankles, securing him. The hooded men loop longer ropes around the top and sides of the cross. They're getting ready to pull it upright. Bill struggles frantically but he can't break free. Hooded men pull on the ropes and lever the cross up until it's settled in the hole they dug, and Bill is hanging there like Jesus. WHOOPS and YIPPEES from the hooded men, they fill in the hole and jam their shovels around the cross as wedges. Bill groans, the ropes cut into his wrists, he's bleeding. Hood Leader looks up at him. Bill hawks and spits at him but it falls short. Bill realizes Daph is standing among the crowd, with the kids, watching. Bill tries to puzzle this out. Daph just watches, no reaction. Hood Leader turns to address the townsfolk. HOOD LEADER We did not want to do this! None of us wanted it! None of us asked for it! He points up at Bill. HOOD LEADER This man was warned. He was told not to speak out against the plan. We asked him politely. We asked him more than once. We explained how he was just causing panic, and worrying folks who had plenty worry already. (politician's pause) But no, he would not relent. Him and his friends, those so-called "scientists" who claim to know everything, they insisted, they God-dang insisted on spreading their lies. (another pause) We cannot trust them. They have been peddling their foolish views for years, and where has it got us? Everything they ever said has been proved false. BILL Don't listen to him! He's the liar! HOOD LEADER Everything they said has been proved false, and offers no salvation for any of us. He sweeps his arm toward the sky. HOOD LEADER We know what's happening. We feel the changes, year on year. And we know it's gonna get a lot worse. God help us all when it does. (another pause) That's why, that's why the big boss, the big man, that's why he's doing what he's doing. It's the only way to change things back to the way they were. BILL It will destroy the atmosphere. It will create a nuclear winter that will lay waste to crops and doom the human race. Hood Leader bows his head, taking deep breaths. The hooded men pour gasoline around the base of the cross. The crowd shifts, uncertain, whispering. HOOD LEADER You hear what he's saying. You understand the meaning of his words. But you all know, deep in your hearts, that this is another falsehood. The big boss has figured it all out. He's gonna launch them nooclear rockets. Tomorrow night the sky is going to light up. Its glow will cleanse us and it will cleanse our planet. The climate will return to what it once was. We shall flourish in a new Eden. The hooded men light pitch torches, these are distributed to the crowd. Flames crackle and spit. Bill watches in anguish as Daph takes a torch. He turns his head away as his children are given torches. HOOD LEADER And so we are come to this. We are come to this, because nothing must stop the plan. This man, He gestures wildly at Bill without looking back at him, HOOD LEADER cannot be allowed to sow his lies, his deceit. Not any more. It stops now. (another pause) We do not do this lightly. But punishment must be meted to those who will not listen to reason. BILL Detonating nuclear bombs is not the answer! For God's sake, listen to me! You have to voice your objections before it's too late, and stop this madness! Hood Leader looks at Daph. HOOD LEADER Daphne, will you be first? Daph steps forward. She looks up at Bill. Bill pleads with his eyes. Daph looks at the torch in her hand, and frowns. Bill enjoys a moment of hope, she won't do it. Daph chucks the torch down and the gasoline catches fire. The flames leap up, touching Bill's shoes. Daph steps back and beckons their kids forward. The kids throw their torches into the flames. They don't look up at their father. And everyone else throws their torches into the bonfire. The flames creep up the cross and begin to eat at Bill's feet and legs. Daph leads the kids away, they don't look back as Bill's AGONIZED SCREAMS fill the night. Behind them the light from the blaze illuminates the street, the people. Hood Leader falls into step beside Daph. He takes off his hood, folds it and slips it inside his jacket. Daph leans against him and puts her head on his shoulder. DAPH Oh Daddy, I am so sorry. HOOD LEADER None of this was your doing. He and only he is responsible for his fate. Remember this. DAPH I will. Another hooded man joins them and he takes off his hood, he's a big handsome fellow. He looks down at the kids and smiles. HANDSOME MAN Are you kids doing okay? BILL'S DAUGHTER Yep. BILL'S SON Are you our new daddy? HANDSOME MAN Reckon I might be. Depends on your mommy. He smiles at Daph and she smiles back. Somewhere behind them, flames crackle and reach up to the starlit sky. FADE OUT Sep 2019

Copied from the DDP contest results thread: Here are the results of the Winter is Coming contest: Title 1st 2nd 3rd Total It's A Dog's Life - dpaterso 1 1 Winter is Coming - Southern_Land 3 6 Winter is Coming for the English Patient - Mark Somers 2 2 Nuclear Winter - Centos 2 1 8 Them Bones - StoryWriter 1 1 4 Odd Man Out - dpaterso 1 3 Join me in offering Centos congrats for earning first place with Nuclear Winter and to Southern_land for scoring second place with Winter is Coming The scoring: 1st place vote = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point. Thanks to all who took part, yes it would have been nice if more people had shown up, but sometimes real life gets in the way and sometimes there just aren't enough folks checking in, what can ya do. If you made any notes while reading, feel free to post 'em here, comments are always appreciated. Well mostly always.

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