Short screenplay from the Done Deal Memorial Day contest,
       June 2007

       "Enemy Mine"

       FADE IN:


       Sizzling emptiness, as far as the eye can see.


       Painted in desert camouflage, a British Union Jack on the
       side, machine guns mounted front and rear.

       THREE SOLDIERS stand watching a FOURTH SOLDIER who leans
       over to peer at the exposed engine.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Well what about it?

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Radiator's blown.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Come on Hodgy stop messing about,
                 how long to fix it?  Even the sweat
                 on my bollocks is sweating.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Can you fix it, Hodgy?

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Someone better call the A.A.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 You are kidding me.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Haven't you got spares?

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Not for this.  The hoses have gone.
                 It's a right bleeding mess.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Christ Almighty.

       Richards shakes his head in disgust and walks away.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Better get on the blower then.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Hodgy, you're sure?

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Not a chance, Corp.  Sorry.

       Private Richards scans their surroundings, they're in the
       middle of nowhere.

       Corporal Lane takes a radio handset from the Land Rover,
       extends the aerial.

                             CORPORAL LANE (INTO RADIO)
                 Mike Seven Piper, receiving, over.
                 Mike Seven Piper, receiving, over.

       The SSSSSHHHHHH of radio mush.

                             CORPORAL LANE (INTO RADIO)
                 Mike Seven Piper, receiving, over.

       He listens.  Nothing.  He takes out a Global Positioning
       System device (GPS) and fiddles with it.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Does anyone know where the France we

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Shut up, Richards.  Hodgy, close her
                 up.  Let's get organized.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Organized for what?

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 We can't be more than ten klicks
                 from Jazz Al.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 G.P.S. puts us seventeen klicks south-
                 east of Ja'zal and ten klicks north
                 of Baker Echo.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 What's Baker Echo?

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Bacon and eggs.  Yank supply base.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Can you trust that thing?

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Seven hundred quid's worth of the
                 latest Japanese technology.  Wife
                 bought it for my birthday.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Thank God for that, if it was Army
                 issue we'd be toast.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Shut up, Richards.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Ten klicks.  That's a fierce tab in
                 this heat.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 What's wrong with the blower?

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Can't get a signal.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Christ what I'd give for a sand dune.
                 Elevation, that's what we need.

       Private Richards calls back over his shoulder--

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 We've got company.

       "Company" is an Arab on a camel, a flapping white mirage in
       the shimmering heat.  Hard to tell how far away he is.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Lawrence of bloody Arabia.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Where the hell is he going?

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 He's coming right at us.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 It's a suicide attack.  He's got a
                 stick of dynamite up his arse.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Maybe he's wondering who we are.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Hodgy, you're on Big Bertha.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Maybe he just wants a brew.  Fancy
                 one myself.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Those camels are dirty bastards,
                 they spit phlegm all over you.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Knock it off, the pair of you.  Hodgy?

       Private Hodge mans the Land Rover's 12.7mm heavy machine gun
       with its auto-feed ammo box.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Aim for his bollocks, Hodgy.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 I don't think he's armed.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 He could he hiding a pair of harem
                 slave girls under all that mufti.
                 Hodgy, you got his range?

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Not sure, Sarge.  Maybe two hundred.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 I reckon one-fifty, just about.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Just keep an eye on him, Hodgy.  If
                 he does anything stupid, teach the
                 bugger a lesson.
                      (to Corporal Lane)
                 Get on the blower again, see if you
                 can raise someone.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Okay but for Christ's sake hold your
                 fire, he's probably a friendly.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Don't be stupid.  We're just being

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Everyone in this bloody country hates
                 us.  I say we slot the bastard.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 One more word out of you, Richards--

                             CORPORAL LANE (INTO RADIO)
                 Mike Seven Piper, receiving, over.
                 Mike Seven Piper, receiving, over.
                 Any Coalition unit receiving my
                 signal, I am a British Army ground
                 callsign requesting net to Juliet
                 Alpha Zero.  Over.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Bet you wish the wife bought you a
                 Jap radio for your birthday.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Maybe if you climb onto the roof?

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Yeah, and maybe if Hodgy stood on my
                 shoulders and waved his knickers
                 around we might pick up Radio Baghdad.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 The bugger's getting close.

       The Arab and his camel are solid now, riding steadily.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Range seventy metres!  Give me some
                 bloody room!

       Everyone shifts well out of Hodge's field of fire.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Just hold your fire, Hodgy.

       Private Richards peers through his SA-80 rifle's sight.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Jesus, I can't tell which one's
                 uglier, the camel or the rider.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Right.  I want no mistakes here,
                 Hodgy.  Give him a warning burst.
                 Make sure you fire over his head.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Hodgy, don't shoot.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 This isn't a flaming democracy!

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 He's not doing anything.  Rules of
                 engagement.  We cannot open fire
                 unless directly threatened.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Aw give me a break.  Sarge?

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Corporal bleeding Lane says we have
                 to follow rules of engagement, Hodgy.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 I bet I could put three rounds through
                 his chest in a six-inch grouping.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Put that rifle down, Richards.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 I'm just saying...

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Private Richards, lower your rifle.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 Christ I could do with a brew, my
                 mouth's dry as an old whore's twat.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 He's stopped.

       The Arab has stopped.  He moves his arm in a wide sweeping
       gesture.  He speaks, but his words are muffled by distance.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 What the bleeding hell is he saying?

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 I'm going to talk to him.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Hold your position.

       The Arab points to the ground between them.  His finger stabs
       at specific spots... there, there, and there.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 He's trying to tell us something.

       The Arab mimes something unmistakable -- an explosion.  He
       points again, there, there, there.  Mimes another explosion.

       Private Richards slowly lowers his rifle.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 Oh my sainted aunt.  Is he saying--

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 He'd bloody better not be.

       Corporal Lane pushes Hodge aside and climbs up onto the Land
       Rover.  He balances on the roof, and looks around.

       Sure enough, all around them are little "dents" in the sand.
       Not visible from ground level, but visible from up here.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 We're in a fucking minefield.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Bollocks.  There's no minefield on
                 the map.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 I can see them!  God knows who planted
                 them or how long they've been here.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Nobody move a muscle.  Right.  Who's
                 got a bayonet?

       Private Richards sees the Arab point out what appears to be
       a path among the land mines.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 You know what?  I think our new pal
                 wants us to follow him.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Can we trust him?

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 He's got elevation.  He can see where
                 they are.  We can't, if we walk out
                 of here.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Maybe it's a trick.

       Corporal Lane, Private Richards and Private Hodge stare at
       him.  Sergeant Higgins realizes what a plonker he is.

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Yeah all right.  Grab your gear and
                 let's follow the nice gentleman.
                 But if his camel so much as farts,
                 slot the bastard.

       EXT. DESERT - DAY

       The four British soldiers follow the Arab.

       The Arab waves to them, and trots off into the desert.

       The Arab stops, points ahead.  Corporal Lane checks his GPS.

                             CORPORAL LANE
                 Bacon and eggs, bearing one seven
                 eight, distance two klicks.

       The Arab waves to them, and trots off into the desert.

                             PRIVATE RICHARDS
                 You want me to shoot him, Sarge?

                             SERGEANT HIGGINS
                 Shut up, Richards.

                             PRIVATE HODGE
                 You think those Yanks know how to
                 make a brew?  I can't stand coffee.

       FADE OUT.


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